Podcast Notes

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Cooking From The Heart with Katie Chin

Katie Chin is an extraordinary woman who follows her heart and lets life lead the way. Leaving the envied position of VP of Marketing at 20 c. Fox, she did a huge life pivot. Katie segued into entrepreneurship, became a celebrity chef, is now a 5-time author, chef, teacher, and Culinary Ambassador to the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation and the star of a one-woman show.

Katie Chin is unstoppable and passionate about cooking and life. Listen to her incredible journey and how this woman is unstoppable.

Follow her on social:

FB, IG, & Twitter:  @chefkatiechin 

LinkedIn: katiechin

To learn more, go to her website:  chefkatiechin.com

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Meant For More with Amy K. Schmidt

Amy Schmidt is a podcast host, public speaker, Founder of Fearlessly Facing Fifty, and author of "Cannonball! Fearlessly Facing Fifty - Midlife and Beyond" and host of the show "Meant For More" on Facebook Live.

Amy's work is focused on encouraging women to dig deep and self-reflect, get past the fear and regain who they are, their accomplishments, and propel them forward with confidence and make an impressive splash in this next phase in life.

You can find her on social at:

LinkedIn @:  linkedin.com/in/amy-schmidt-a5684412

IG:  https://www.instagram.com/amy.k.schmidt/

FB:  https://www.facebook.com/fearlesslyfacingfifty 

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The Great Reset with Linda Lautenberg & Judy Schoenberg

Linda Lautenberg and Judy Schoenberg both with accomplished backgrounds were seeking a new career path, reinvention and realized there was a lack of support for women reentering the workforce and career transitions.

Together they founded and launched EvolveMe - A program and community that specialize in career reinvention in midlife, where they come alongside their clients to help them experience positive results and champion the "great reset" as they transition or pivot in careers.

Find more at:


You can find them on social at:

Facebook: https://facebook.com/evolveme.work

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People, Planet, Profit with Natalie Ruiz

Natalie is a powerhouse entrepreneur who asks "Why not?" and created an innovative "work from anywhere" model in her business as early as 2007. She was definitely ahead of the times and had positively impacted her company's triple bottom line Profit, People, and Planet. Listen to her inspiring story and all the good she is up to.

You can find her on social at:

IG: its_natalieruiz

LinkedIn : @nataliesruiz

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Inspired Action with Amy Schuber

Through her healing work, Amy helps individuals remove inherited blocks that might be stifling their growth and ability to live their best life, A podcast host for 7 years with over 500 episodes, with some of the foremost thought leaders in health, wellness, spirituality, and entrepreneurship since Amy continues to explore the conversation that will lead you to inspired action!

Find out more about Amy at http://amyschuber.com  IG: @amyschuber

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Something Bigger Than Myself with Kristi Fowler

Kristi's own life experiences made her resilient and caused her to dig deep to find answers for herself.

Early on she was a minister and became a licensed therapist and transformational coach...She has a fresh approach to teaching us how to build an inner life.  That spirituality can help us reconnect to our true nature.

She brings up topics and tips to learn and grow from and how she draws on her own life experience to help others find their best life.  Kristi is a wise and gentle teacher.

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