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Currently on media channels throughout the country , award-winning entrepreneur, CX Expert, and Philanthropist Sarah Buxbaum is sharing her quest to deliver a great customer experience in whatever business she has created and encourages businesses to do the same.
She knows about obstacles and roadblocks, challenges and the ups and downs of entrepreneurship - earning her the title of UNSTOPPABLE
Sarah's background includes over 15 years of hospitality, wedding, & customer service experience, and now speaks around the nation as a Customer Experience Expert. She’s a “40 Under Forty” Award Winner & an Emerging Leader National Finalist for eWomen Network. Sarah is featured weekly on radio and news stations sharing how other businesses can provide a better experience for their clients as she does for her business in Nashville, Tennessee.
Listen in as she shares what it is that sets her apart from the rest and her aha moment to scale her business.
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Amy Schmidt is a podcast host, public speaker, Founder of Fearlessly Facing Fifty, and author of "Cannonball! Fearlessly Facing Fifty - Midlife and Beyond" and host of the show "Meant For More" on Facebook Live.
Amy's work is focused on encouraging women to dig deep and self-reflect, get past the fear and regain who they are, their accomplishments, and propel them forward with confidence and make an impressive splash in this next phase in life.
You can find her on social at:
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Through her healing work, Amy helps individuals remove inherited blocks that might be stifling their growth and ability to live their best life, A podcast host for 7 years with over 500 episodes, with some of the foremost thought leaders in health, wellness, spirituality, and entrepreneurship since Amy continues to explore the conversation that will lead you to inspired action!
Find out more about Amy at IG: @amyschuber
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Kristen Coffield, Author, Speaker, and Founder of the Culinary Cure consulting business- is a passionate advocate for food as medicine, life navigator, and culinary wellness coach. She reinvented her life after a decade of chronic physical and spiritual decline and is now mission-driven to help others do the same…One bite at a time. In her story, she shares her struggles with confidence, loss of identity, and how she found it again.
She shares her passion and purpose and that, with women it doesn’t matter where you are in your journey, using food to give yourself every advantage is a superpower that can change your life, let you love your body, and improve your career.
Kristen has an array of products, tools and opportunities to experience.
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Spring is here and we have been inside for too long...Ready to reemerge and experience better days.
And without a doubt - especially - this Spring. With the time spent apart from our daily rigor, we realize that we can work remotely, we can slow down, redefine what is important, take solace in the simplest things, eat better, take care of our health, and consider how we might want to live and work going forward.
With all that we have experienced over this past year, it makes sense to value how we are living and what we want for ourselves as we reemerge into the world.
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What book inspired Elizabeth Gilbert's journey to write Eat, Pray, Love? No one sees change as an opportunity when they are in it. Find out the journey to a bestselling author's story and other books that inspire change and exhibit the benefits of change as an opportunity.
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Cindy knows a bit about change and pivoting and decided to embrace these experiences and help others navigate change as well. Through discussing relocation - again- she offers her wisdom, insight, and experience and provides an interesting metaphor. Follow Cindy:
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Elizabeth discusses how, as early as childhood, we have two selves. Our true self and the false self and how the false self is added through the expectations of others. To navigate socially we do alter our true selves somewhat but it is in the false self that many get lost.
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Never expecting to be divorced but then finding yourself there can be a life-shattering experience. Allison Jeffreys knows a bit about divorce and the challenges around it. From her own experiences, she decided to pivot from a career in business to a divorce coach and bestselling author. In this episode, she shares her knowledge and experience.
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Jenna Gilmore pivoted from social media management to coaching after seeing her clients really needed help in another way. Coaching entrepreneurs 1:1 and helping them see the obstacles they have set, then helps them overcome them. Follow Jenna:
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