Podcast Notes

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Meant For More with Amy K. Schmidt

Amy Schmidt is a podcast host, public speaker, Founder of Fearlessly Facing Fifty, and author of "Cannonball! Fearlessly Facing Fifty - Midlife and Beyond" and host of the show "Meant For More" on Facebook Live.

Amy's work is focused on encouraging women to dig deep and self-reflect, get past the fear and regain who they are, their accomplishments, and propel them forward with confidence and make an impressive splash in this next phase in life.

You can find her on social at:

LinkedIn @:  linkedin.com/in/amy-schmidt-a5684412

IG:  https://www.instagram.com/amy.k.schmidt/

FB:  https://www.facebook.com/fearlesslyfacingfifty 

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The Great Reset with Linda Lautenberg & Judy Schoenberg

Linda Lautenberg and Judy Schoenberg both with accomplished backgrounds were seeking a new career path, reinvention and realized there was a lack of support for women reentering the workforce and career transitions.

Together they founded and launched EvolveMe - A program and community that specialize in career reinvention in midlife, where they come alongside their clients to help them experience positive results and champion the "great reset" as they transition or pivot in careers.

Find more at:


You can find them on social at:

Facebook: https://facebook.com/evolveme.work

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People, Planet, Profit with Natalie Ruiz

Natalie is a powerhouse entrepreneur who asks "Why not?" and created an innovative "work from anywhere" model in her business as early as 2007. She was definitely ahead of the times and had positively impacted her company's triple bottom line Profit, People, and Planet. Listen to her inspiring story and all the good she is up to.

You can find her on social at:

IG: its_natalieruiz

LinkedIn : @nataliesruiz

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Inspired Action with Amy Schuber

Through her healing work, Amy helps individuals remove inherited blocks that might be stifling their growth and ability to live their best life, A podcast host for 7 years with over 500 episodes, with some of the foremost thought leaders in health, wellness, spirituality, and entrepreneurship since Amy continues to explore the conversation that will lead you to inspired action!

Find out more about Amy at http://amyschuber.com  IG: @amyschuber

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Consistency and CBD with Susan Crews

Stemming from her own health issues and wanting better choices, Susan Crews decided she wanted to help others live better lives through health and wellness practices. This took her on a journey that she shares and an added surprise...CBD.

She was skeptical at first until she did the hard work of digging in and studying. She connected with some of the world's premier experts on CBD to find out just how the body responds and the natural benefits it provides. In this interview, we cover the gamut of health, arthritis, old injuries, menopause, anxiety, ADHD, and dementia.

Susan says, "CBD is not a magical elixir, consistency is key" and she has the research and stories to reflect that CBD can help people live healthier lives.

Find out more about Susan and the Huntsboro Hemp product here. https://huntsborohempco.com/



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The Culinary Cure with Kristen Coffield

Kristen Coffield, Author, Speaker, and Founder of the Culinary Cure consulting business- is a passionate advocate for food as medicine, life navigator, and culinary wellness coach.  She reinvented her life after a decade of chronic physical and spiritual decline and is now mission-driven to help others do the same…One bite at a time.  In her story, she shares her struggles with confidence, loss of identity, and how she found it again.

She shares her passion and purpose and that, with women it doesn’t matter where you are in your journey, using food to give yourself every advantage is a superpower that can change your life, let you love your body, and improve your career.

Kristen has an array of products, tools and opportunities to experience. 

Go to:  https://theculinarycure.com

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Talking About It with Lorraine Miano

Lorraine Miano is an integrative Holistic Health Coach, Certified in Hormone Health, author, contributor to many online and print publications, and a NEXT expert. She shares her passion & tips about estrogen and menopause. “It’s time to have the 2nd talk” Why is menopause overlooked or a taboo subject and how we have to continue to ask the questions and seek out best solutions for ourselves. This information is provided for educational purposes only and should not be substituted for medical advice from a doctor or healthcare provider.

Follow Lorraine: https://themagicofmenopause.com/ 

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Whole Health & The Gifted Taste with Roberta Kung

Roberta Kung, MD is the Chief Executive Officer of GiftedTaste and Founder of Transcending Well- Being. With a mission to celebrate all women forging their own paths to live in the moment while consciously creating a life they desire, GiftedTaste produces intimate retreats in Los Angeles for all women on a journey to holistic wellness.

Inspired by awakening to her own full potential to self-healing, Roberta shares her personal for sustainable well-being and inner peace through the principles and practices of Transcending Well-Being.

Follow Roberta: https://www.giftedtaste.com/

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June - Your Best Life Now


June is the month of 'Whole Life/Health' as we focus on all the aspects of our lives and integrate them for our Best Life.  Health is wealth, life and career go 'hand-in'hand'  and when we experience challenges and change....Viewing our life from a Whole Life perspective helps us to map our journey in a positive way...For our Best Life Now


What now? What's NEXT?

Your NEXT? Start with the right questions


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Something Bigger Than Myself with Kristi Fowler

Kristi's own life experiences made her resilient and caused her to dig deep to find answers for herself.

Early on she was a minister and became a licensed therapist and transformational coach...She has a fresh approach to teaching us how to build an inner life.  That spirituality can help us reconnect to our true nature.

She brings up topics and tips to learn and grow from and how she draws on her own life experience to help others find their best life.  Kristi is a wise and gentle teacher.

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