Podcast Notes

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Talking About It with Lorraine Miano

Lorraine Miano is an integrative Holistic Health Coach, Certified in Hormone Health, author, contributor to many online and print publications, and a NEXT expert. She shares her passion & tips about estrogen and menopause. “It’s time to have the 2nd talk” Why is menopause overlooked or a taboo subject and how we have to continue to ask the questions and seek out best solutions for ourselves. This information is provided for educational purposes only and should not be substituted for medical advice from a doctor or healthcare provider.

Follow Lorraine: https://themagicofmenopause.com/ 

ABOUT Elizabeth

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Whole Health & The Gifted Taste with Roberta Kung

Roberta Kung, MD is the Chief Executive Officer of GiftedTaste and Founder of Transcending Well- Being. With a mission to celebrate all women forging their own paths to live in the moment while consciously creating a life they desire, GiftedTaste produces intimate retreats in Los Angeles for all women on a journey to holistic wellness.

Inspired by awakening to her own full potential to self-healing, Roberta shares her personal for sustainable well-being and inner peace through the principles and practices of Transcending Well-Being.

Follow Roberta: https://www.giftedtaste.com/

ABOUT Elizabeth

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June - Your Best Life Now


June is the month of 'Whole Life/Health' as we focus on all the aspects of our lives and integrate them for our Best Life.  Health is wealth, life and career go 'hand-in'hand'  and when we experience challenges and change....Viewing our life from a Whole Life perspective helps us to map our journey in a positive way...For our Best Life Now


What now? What's NEXT?

Your NEXT? Start with the right questions


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Something Bigger Than Myself with Kristi Fowler

Kristi's own life experiences made her resilient and caused her to dig deep to find answers for herself.

Early on she was a minister and became a licensed therapist and transformational coach...She has a fresh approach to teaching us how to build an inner life.  That spirituality can help us reconnect to our true nature.

She brings up topics and tips to learn and grow from and how she draws on her own life experience to help others find their best life.  Kristi is a wise and gentle teacher.

ABOUT Elizabeth

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Education is Power with Bibi Goldstein

Tapping into her genius zone early in life, Bibi Goldstein got her start in logistics, dropped out of high school, and grew her career as far as she could with only GED to becoming an award-winning leader in business and pivoted her talents into becoming a successful entrepreneur.

Currently, the owner of Buying Time, LLC, find out her motto: “Education Is Power” and believes that more now than ever, women need to feel powerful.

Follow Bibi: https://buyingtimellc.com

Listen here now or on your preferred podcast platform: Apple iTunes Spotify, iHeart

ABOUT Elizabeth

Do you get the *What if's?*  I hope so!  If not, subscribe now to bi-monthly NEXT newsletter



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Yes I Can with Cathy Alessandra

After growing a six-figure business and selling it, Cathy realized something deeper. She peeled back layers of fear of failure to design the business and lifestyle she envisioned and developed a signature program to coach others to success.

Follow Cathy: https://cathyalessandra.com/

Listen now or on your preferred podcast platform: Apple iTunes Spotify, iHeart

Amazing Opportunity  

What now? What's NEXT?  

Your NEXT? Start with the right questions

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Fresh Start


As a lifelong entrepreneur, observing trends is a habit to see where solutions to needs could be created.

With this recent time of re-emerging into a new phase, Elizabeth points out how a new trend in thinking is being adopted and how using a proven process will pave the way for new beginnings.

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