Podcast Notes

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Spring is here and we have been inside for too long...Ready to reemerge and experience better days.

And without a doubt - especially -  this Spring.  With the time spent apart from our daily rigor, we realize that we can work remotely, we can slow down, redefine what is important, take solace in the simplest things, eat better, take care of our health, and consider how we might want to live and work going forward.

With all that we have experienced over this past year, it makes sense to value how we are living and what we want for ourselves as we reemerge into the world.

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Change As Opportunity

 What book inspired Elizabeth Gilbert's journey to write Eat, Pray, Love? No one sees change as an opportunity when they are in it.  Find out the journey to a bestselling author's story and other books that inspire change and exhibit the benefits of change as an opportunity.

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ABOUT Elizabeth


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